Blog for Professionals

5 Ways to Write More Effective Emails
work from home, workplace, work-life balance Diana Williams work from home, workplace, work-life balance Diana Williams

5 Ways to Write More Effective Emails

Time is of the essence … as learned from Tems hit song. Coupled with the number of emails that the average person gets daily, many people don’t have the attention span to read long, extensive emails. Therefore, we must embody the concept that less is more by learning to communicate succinctly and clearly.

On average, 121 business emails are sent to Americans on any given day, and while 60% are typically spam, at least 50 have relevant and essential information.

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5 Steps to Set Work Boundaries Without Compromising Performance or Professionalism
work-life balance, boundaries Diana Williams work-life balance, boundaries Diana Williams

5 Steps to Set Work Boundaries Without Compromising Performance or Professionalism

This short sentence alone speaks to why more than 50% of Americans feel job burnout and abandon their careers. While burnout can be considered a buzzword during recent times, the World Health Organization defines it as a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. In layman's terms, this means simply that folks are quitting their jobs because they can't take it anymore. Although it varies from person to person, many reasons stem from the lack of workplace boundaries. This month we will explore how to create healthy work boundaries without tarnishing your professional career and relationships.

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Time Task Management: 5 Strategies to Organize and Get Stuff Done

Time Task Management: 5 Strategies to Organize and Get Stuff Done

With 2021 quickly coming to an end, many of us are scurrying to finish last-minute goals before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. With less than a month remaining, now is as great as any time to start learning new time management strategies to embark your new year on a smooth start. So keep reading to learn 5 of my most valuable systems of staying organized and ensuring that I make the most use of my time every day!

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8 Benefits You Should Consider Negotiating to Increase Your Salary at Your Current Job and at a New One
work from home, work-life balance, workplace Diana Williams work from home, work-life balance, workplace Diana Williams

8 Benefits You Should Consider Negotiating to Increase Your Salary at Your Current Job and at a New One

But this does not mean that you should not fight for what you are deserved based on your work ethic, performance, accomplishments, education, and tenure. In a post-COVID world (possibly, maybe), employers and employees alike have begun to reimagine what work looks like for them. More than ever before, employees can verbalize what they need to be successful in the workplace and sustain the work-life balance that many of us could not even imagine before. As a result, people are re-negotiating their benefits packages and demands to return to work. So as we begin our transition into a post-pandemic world, continue reading to learn about benefits you should be considering beyond your salary that will benefit you in the long run.

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Handling Toxic Work Environments & the Difficult Conversations That Need to Happen
work, difficult conversations Diana Williams work, difficult conversations Diana Williams

Handling Toxic Work Environments & the Difficult Conversations That Need to Happen

There's a consensus that difficult conversations suck … even if you think you are good at them. It requires you to lean into problems and seek understanding of the other person’s point of view. However, in the end, the objective of difficult conversations should always be to improve working relationships and understanding between different people. More than 70% of people avoid difficult conversations in the workplace altogether. Imagine the emotional toll that it takes on your health, wellness, and overall job performance. Don’t let it be you!

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Virtual Leadership: 3 Considerations to Adopt When Shifting Virtual Team Culture
leadership, career development Diana Williams leadership, career development Diana Williams

Virtual Leadership: 3 Considerations to Adopt When Shifting Virtual Team Culture

The Water Cooler is traditionally symbolic as it serves as a place where co-workers mingle and talk. The water cooler has transformed into the work kitchen, copy room, or other variation depending on your field in modern times. Regardless of where the ultimate purpose is to allow team members on all levels to engage with one another on more personal levels. Studies show that 60% of professionals perform at peak performance when they have a good relationship with someone at work. So, in a COVID world, how does one re-create the water cooler virtually? 

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3 Practical Ways to Achieve Work-Life Balance

3 Practical Ways to Achieve Work-Life Balance

How often have you vowed to create and set boundaries to protect your peace at work…how's that going? 

66% -- 26% -- 77%

These percentages account for the number of Americans who work during the weekend, take home their unfinished work, and ultimately experience burnout in their current position. When is the last time you have thought about how your work affects your life and causes you to stress, overwork, or worse…burnout? Here are 3 tips that you can implement immediately to gain control of your life and attain the work-life balance that you want.

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6 Ways to Improve Your Career with the Feedback Cycle
performance, career development Diana Williams performance, career development Diana Williams

6 Ways to Improve Your Career with the Feedback Cycle

An ancient adage speaks to the idea of "iron sharpening iron," ultimately meaning that we can make one another better by providing encouragement, coaching, and feedback. When embodying this understanding, we can steadily improve and be the best versions of ourselves. Therefore, it is essential that everyone actively creates and participates in feedback cycles. Read below to learn ways that you can receive and provide feedback to improve performance and success.

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