Blog for Professionals

10 Resume Writing Tips For 2024: Improve Your Jobsearch Game.

10 Resume Writing Tips For 2024: Improve Your Jobsearch Game.

As a job seeker, think of your resume as your marketing tool. It needs to consist of relevant selling points (accomplishments, milestones, and skills) to keep recruiters attracted to you as a candidate. Your resume provides a window for impressing employers and standing out from the competition. This article will present the 10 essential tips for crafting a compelling resume that stands out in 2024.

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Building Your Professional Network with Informational Interviews
career development, career transition, interview Diana Williams career development, career transition, interview Diana Williams

Building Your Professional Network with Informational Interviews

How often have you started a job and realized that they require far more than what was listed in the job description? While it can appear that a company is being deceitful during recruitment, many positions across all sectors are “catch-all.” A catch-all position has a core set of duties and responsibilities and additional tasks that sometimes feel unrelated or cumbersome. While most professionals understand that it is a part of many positions, these extra tasks can lead to workplace frustration and resentment depending on the type and frequency. Although we might not avoid the catch-all, it helps to know what we are getting ourselves into at the beginning. Speaking with current or former employees during an informational interview allows you to ask questions and learn about a typical day in their role. While an extra step, conducting these interviews can reassure you when taking a leap of faith and considering your transition into a new position and company.

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Using Your Professional Brand to Propel Your Career

Using Your Professional Brand to Propel Your Career

Most frequently, when people talk about branding, they are talking about their company or business. However, establishing your professional brand as an individual is equally important. Branding goes beyond colors and aesthetics; it speaks to one's vision, values, missions, and goals, all of which can be attributed to a business ora person. Continue reading to learn how to establish a solid professional brand that creates access and opportunities for you.

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Using Informational Interviews to Kick-Start Your Career Transition
career development, career transition Diana Williams career development, career transition Diana Williams

Using Informational Interviews to Kick-Start Your Career Transition

At the start of a new year or significant change, professionals often reflect on their career and happiness. Often this career reflection may lead to a realization of dissatisfaction in your career trajectory. However, even with this realization, "pulling the trigger" to find a career more fulfilling might prove problematic when considering the significant risk of lost income, lack of direction, or just plain fear. Shifting your career trajectory or starting anew does not have to be scary, though. But before you leap, consider the following to ease your transition.

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Virtual Leadership: 3 Considerations to Adopt When Shifting Virtual Team Culture
leadership, career development Diana Williams leadership, career development Diana Williams

Virtual Leadership: 3 Considerations to Adopt When Shifting Virtual Team Culture

The Water Cooler is traditionally symbolic as it serves as a place where co-workers mingle and talk. The water cooler has transformed into the work kitchen, copy room, or other variation depending on your field in modern times. Regardless of where the ultimate purpose is to allow team members on all levels to engage with one another on more personal levels. Studies show that 60% of professionals perform at peak performance when they have a good relationship with someone at work. So, in a COVID world, how does one re-create the water cooler virtually? 

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Are You Overqualified? 3 Reasons You Aren’t Getting the Job! And What You Can Do About It!
Resume, career development, new job, cover letter Diana Williams Resume, career development, new job, cover letter Diana Williams

Are You Overqualified? 3 Reasons You Aren’t Getting the Job! And What You Can Do About It!

When one thinks about qualifications, most people evaluate whether or not their experience makes them a viable candidate for the position. However, have you ever considered that you might be overqualified?! In theory, it seems like a good thing, but in actuality, being marked as overqualified can deter employers from extending you a formal offer. Read below to learn 3 reasons why being overqualified scares employers and what you can do about it!

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Create Your 30-Day Plan to Succeed in Your New Position
career development, new job Diana Williams career development, new job Diana Williams

Create Your 30-Day Plan to Succeed in Your New Position

Everyone is enthusiastic when beginning a new position. Whether it is higher pay, better benefits, or more responsibilities, a new job means a new beginning. As you start this journey, I encourage you to create a 30-Day Plan to optimize your success and truly hit the ground running.

When we think about 30-day plans, our minds think of working out or meal plans. However, creating a 30-Day Plan to implement at the onset of a new position can indeed lay the foundation for career advancement and success. Aside from feeling confident to start, creating a 30-Day plan at the start of a new project or job shows that you are:

1) Intentional and Results Driven, and

2) Able to Develop and Execute a Plan for Success

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6 Ways to Improve Your Career with the Feedback Cycle
performance, career development Diana Williams performance, career development Diana Williams

6 Ways to Improve Your Career with the Feedback Cycle

An ancient adage speaks to the idea of "iron sharpening iron," ultimately meaning that we can make one another better by providing encouragement, coaching, and feedback. When embodying this understanding, we can steadily improve and be the best versions of ourselves. Therefore, it is essential that everyone actively creates and participates in feedback cycles. Read below to learn ways that you can receive and provide feedback to improve performance and success.

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Upskilling: Taking Charge of Your Career Trajectory
career development Diana Williams career development Diana Williams

Upskilling: Taking Charge of Your Career Trajectory

Several professions require continuing education credits to maintain certification and licensing. However, many others do not. Therefore, it is up to the individual to take charge of their continued development. Upskilling is the idea that you are developing and sharpening your already possessed skillset to be more competitive and stay up-to-date in your field. However, you can still use upskilling techniques and strategies to foster new skills as well. Upskilling can look a variety of ways, allowing you to choose your own adventure to take ownership of your professional growth.

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