Blog for Professionals

Building Your Professional Network with Informational Interviews
career development, career transition, interview Diana Williams career development, career transition, interview Diana Williams

Building Your Professional Network with Informational Interviews

How often have you started a job and realized that they require far more than what was listed in the job description? While it can appear that a company is being deceitful during recruitment, many positions across all sectors are “catch-all.” A catch-all position has a core set of duties and responsibilities and additional tasks that sometimes feel unrelated or cumbersome. While most professionals understand that it is a part of many positions, these extra tasks can lead to workplace frustration and resentment depending on the type and frequency. Although we might not avoid the catch-all, it helps to know what we are getting ourselves into at the beginning. Speaking with current or former employees during an informational interview allows you to ask questions and learn about a typical day in their role. While an extra step, conducting these interviews can reassure you when taking a leap of faith and considering your transition into a new position and company.

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Using the Great Resignation to Elevate Your Current Position and Get What You Want

Using the Great Resignation to Elevate Your Current Position and Get What You Want

The Great Resignation has resulted in more than 4.9 million people quitting their jobs because of COVID-19. While workers are transitioning for several reasons, many of their reasons are rooted in recent reflections about working hours, demand, and frequency. As a result, many sectors are plagued by continuous staff shortages, particularly fields that faced increased pressure throughout the pandemic, such as hospital staff and educators. This high influx of departing team members directly correlates to remaining workers feeling overworked and burned out. And while many decide to leave their career fields or companies entirely, others try their best to stick it out. Sticking it out allows you to leverage the great resignation to get what you want: increased benefits & flexibility. 

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5 Steps to Break Up with Your Job
job search, new job, quitting Diana Williams job search, new job, quitting Diana Williams

5 Steps to Break Up with Your Job

You have planned your exit strategy, and you've succeeded. Now that you have your new job offer (I hope!), it is time to start thinking about your transition from your current role. It is easy to think, "well, it's their problem," but the truth is that you want to ensure that you are transitioning out gracefully. Read below to learn six ways to sustain your reputation as a reliable and professional employee without burning any bridges.

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Man, F*** This Job -- 3 Ways to Revive a Job that You’re Over
job search, new job Diana Williams job search, new job Diana Williams

Man, F*** This Job -- 3 Ways to Revive a Job that You’re Over

Having feelings of discontent and annoyance with your job is something that most people experience at one point or another, even when you are doing something you are passionate about. But when the moments where we don't want to attend another meeting or read another email arise, we recognize that we depend on this job to pay the upcoming electricity bill (whew, those winter storm electricity bills have been ASTRONOMICAL!) So, what do you do when these moments of annoyance turn into a slump that lasts weeks or even months? Read below to learn how to recognize if you are in a work slump, and more importantly, how to get out of it!

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Using Informational Interviews to Kick-Start Your Career Transition
career development, career transition Diana Williams career development, career transition Diana Williams

Using Informational Interviews to Kick-Start Your Career Transition

At the start of a new year or significant change, professionals often reflect on their career and happiness. Often this career reflection may lead to a realization of dissatisfaction in your career trajectory. However, even with this realization, "pulling the trigger" to find a career more fulfilling might prove problematic when considering the significant risk of lost income, lack of direction, or just plain fear. Shifting your career trajectory or starting anew does not have to be scary, though. But before you leap, consider the following to ease your transition.

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Are You Overqualified? 3 Reasons You Aren’t Getting the Job! And What You Can Do About It!
Resume, career development, new job, cover letter Diana Williams Resume, career development, new job, cover letter Diana Williams

Are You Overqualified? 3 Reasons You Aren’t Getting the Job! And What You Can Do About It!

When one thinks about qualifications, most people evaluate whether or not their experience makes them a viable candidate for the position. However, have you ever considered that you might be overqualified?! In theory, it seems like a good thing, but in actuality, being marked as overqualified can deter employers from extending you a formal offer. Read below to learn 3 reasons why being overqualified scares employers and what you can do about it!

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Create Your 30-Day Plan to Succeed in Your New Position
career development, new job Diana Williams career development, new job Diana Williams

Create Your 30-Day Plan to Succeed in Your New Position

Everyone is enthusiastic when beginning a new position. Whether it is higher pay, better benefits, or more responsibilities, a new job means a new beginning. As you start this journey, I encourage you to create a 30-Day Plan to optimize your success and truly hit the ground running.

When we think about 30-day plans, our minds think of working out or meal plans. However, creating a 30-Day Plan to implement at the onset of a new position can indeed lay the foundation for career advancement and success. Aside from feeling confident to start, creating a 30-Day plan at the start of a new project or job shows that you are:

1) Intentional and Results Driven, and

2) Able to Develop and Execute a Plan for Success

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4 Times A Pay-Cut Might Be Worth It!
job search, new job, interview Diana Williams job search, new job, interview Diana Williams

4 Times A Pay-Cut Might Be Worth It!

When searching for a new job, one of the most common motivators is to earn more money. But what happens when you find the "perfect" job, only to learn that it would require you to take a pay-cut?! Most of our first thought is probably, certainly not! However, there are times that a pay-cut might actually be worth it! Read below to learn 4 instances where taking a pay cut might be the way to go! 

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