Blog for Professionals

10 Resume Writing Tips For 2024: Improve Your Jobsearch Game.

10 Resume Writing Tips For 2024: Improve Your Jobsearch Game.

As a job seeker, think of your resume as your marketing tool. It needs to consist of relevant selling points (accomplishments, milestones, and skills) to keep recruiters attracted to you as a candidate. Your resume provides a window for impressing employers and standing out from the competition. This article will present the 10 essential tips for crafting a compelling resume that stands out in 2024.

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Crafting a Killer Elevator Pitch: Your Gateway to Success
elevator pitch, linkedin, interview Dorcas Kagwiria elevator pitch, linkedin, interview Dorcas Kagwiria

Crafting a Killer Elevator Pitch: Your Gateway to Success

This month, we explore how to develop an elevator pitch. We delve into the significance of a compelling pitch and provide you with meticulous strategies for creating a catchy elevator pitch. As our primary focus is to assist you in enhancing your networking skills, we also share some valuable insights on delivering an outstanding and memorable elevator pitch.

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Building Your Professional Network with Informational Interviews
career development, career transition, interview Diana Williams career development, career transition, interview Diana Williams

Building Your Professional Network with Informational Interviews

How often have you started a job and realized that they require far more than what was listed in the job description? While it can appear that a company is being deceitful during recruitment, many positions across all sectors are “catch-all.” A catch-all position has a core set of duties and responsibilities and additional tasks that sometimes feel unrelated or cumbersome. While most professionals understand that it is a part of many positions, these extra tasks can lead to workplace frustration and resentment depending on the type and frequency. Although we might not avoid the catch-all, it helps to know what we are getting ourselves into at the beginning. Speaking with current or former employees during an informational interview allows you to ask questions and learn about a typical day in their role. While an extra step, conducting these interviews can reassure you when taking a leap of faith and considering your transition into a new position and company.

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4 Times A Pay-Cut Might Be Worth It!
job search, new job, interview Diana Williams job search, new job, interview Diana Williams

4 Times A Pay-Cut Might Be Worth It!

When searching for a new job, one of the most common motivators is to earn more money. But what happens when you find the "perfect" job, only to learn that it would require you to take a pay-cut?! Most of our first thought is probably, certainly not! However, there are times that a pay-cut might actually be worth it! Read below to learn 4 instances where taking a pay cut might be the way to go! 

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It's Not Them; It's You: 3 Reasons You Haven’t Gotten the Job Offer
interview, reflection, jobsearch Diana Williams interview, reflection, jobsearch Diana Williams

It's Not Them; It's You: 3 Reasons You Haven’t Gotten the Job Offer

It is daunting not to see the results of your efforts when seeking a new job. It is even more frustrating when you progress through the interview stages, and still not offered the position. However, after several close calls, or no calls at all, you must conduct a job search reflection to evaluate your application materials and overall interview preparation and conduct. To launch your thinking, you must first identify the roadblock that best matches your situation.

1. I apply to jobs all the time, but they never call me to set up an interview.

2. I had a phone interview, but they never followed up with me about the next steps.

3. I thought that the in-person interview went great, but they chose someone else.

In the blog below, you will learn more in detail about how to combat these typical roadblocks to get the job that you desire. Answer each set of questions to guide your thinking and reflection.

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