Blog for Professionals

10 Resume Writing Tips For 2024: Improve Your Jobsearch Game.

10 Resume Writing Tips For 2024: Improve Your Jobsearch Game.

As a job seeker, think of your resume as your marketing tool. It needs to consist of relevant selling points (accomplishments, milestones, and skills) to keep recruiters attracted to you as a candidate. Your resume provides a window for impressing employers and standing out from the competition. This article will present the 10 essential tips for crafting a compelling resume that stands out in 2024.

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Using the Great Resignation to Elevate Your Current Position and Get What You Want

Using the Great Resignation to Elevate Your Current Position and Get What You Want

The Great Resignation has resulted in more than 4.9 million people quitting their jobs because of COVID-19. While workers are transitioning for several reasons, many of their reasons are rooted in recent reflections about working hours, demand, and frequency. As a result, many sectors are plagued by continuous staff shortages, particularly fields that faced increased pressure throughout the pandemic, such as hospital staff and educators. This high influx of departing team members directly correlates to remaining workers feeling overworked and burned out. And while many decide to leave their career fields or companies entirely, others try their best to stick it out. Sticking it out allows you to leverage the great resignation to get what you want: increased benefits & flexibility. 

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3 Steps to Identify Your Next Career Move When You Want to Transition
career transition, job search Diana Williams career transition, job search Diana Williams

3 Steps to Identify Your Next Career Move When You Want to Transition

Taking the leap of faith as it relates to career change is easier said than done. Despite wanting more for themselves, professionals are often hindered by fear that derives from many reasons. While fear commonly stems from the anticipated effect on one’s family and lifestyle, other worries are rooted in uncertainty. Uncertainty about where to start, what you like, what you want to do, and the effect transitioning might have on your overall career trajectory. Don’t worry though, this month’s blog dives into how fostering your curiosity can reveal your interests, passions, and ultimately your next dream position.

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Using Informational Interviews to Kick-Start Your Career Transition
career development, career transition Diana Williams career development, career transition Diana Williams

Using Informational Interviews to Kick-Start Your Career Transition

At the start of a new year or significant change, professionals often reflect on their career and happiness. Often this career reflection may lead to a realization of dissatisfaction in your career trajectory. However, even with this realization, "pulling the trigger" to find a career more fulfilling might prove problematic when considering the significant risk of lost income, lack of direction, or just plain fear. Shifting your career trajectory or starting anew does not have to be scary, though. But before you leap, consider the following to ease your transition.

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