Blog for Professionals

Using Your Professional Brand to Propel Your Career

Using Your Professional Brand to Propel Your Career

Most frequently, when people talk about branding, they are talking about their company or business. However, establishing your professional brand as an individual is equally important. Branding goes beyond colors and aesthetics; it speaks to one's vision, values, missions, and goals, all of which can be attributed to a business ora person. Continue reading to learn how to establish a solid professional brand that creates access and opportunities for you.

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Using Your Side Hustle for Professional Development: 2 Angles to Consider

Using Your Side Hustle for Professional Development: 2 Angles to Consider

A 2019 study revealed that more than 49% of Americans under 35 have a side hustle. However, part-time and freelance gigs can also be valuable in other ways! Finding a side hustle can help you develop skills that will help you become a competitive job seeker.

Typically, when people think of part-time jobs, they think of picking up something that will make them easy money without much demand. Examples such as bartenders, the shopping mall, and hostesses come top of mind. However, there are also ways that you can secure a side hustle that generates both income and skillset development. The key is to identify your angle when seeking a part-time position to increase the chances of obtaining your desired results.

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Upskilling: Taking Charge of Your Career Trajectory
career development Diana Williams career development Diana Williams

Upskilling: Taking Charge of Your Career Trajectory

Several professions require continuing education credits to maintain certification and licensing. However, many others do not. Therefore, it is up to the individual to take charge of their continued development. Upskilling is the idea that you are developing and sharpening your already possessed skillset to be more competitive and stay up-to-date in your field. However, you can still use upskilling techniques and strategies to foster new skills as well. Upskilling can look a variety of ways, allowing you to choose your own adventure to take ownership of your professional growth.

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