Blog for Professionals

3 Steps to Identify Your Next Career Move When You Want to Transition
career transition, job search Diana Williams career transition, job search Diana Williams

3 Steps to Identify Your Next Career Move When You Want to Transition

Taking the leap of faith as it relates to career change is easier said than done. Despite wanting more for themselves, professionals are often hindered by fear that derives from many reasons. While fear commonly stems from the anticipated effect on one’s family and lifestyle, other worries are rooted in uncertainty. Uncertainty about where to start, what you like, what you want to do, and the effect transitioning might have on your overall career trajectory. Don’t worry though, this month’s blog dives into how fostering your curiosity can reveal your interests, passions, and ultimately your next dream position.

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3 Ways to Easily Quantify Your Value to Get the Job You Want!
resumes, resumehelp, quantitative data Diana Williams resumes, resumehelp, quantitative data Diana Williams

3 Ways to Easily Quantify Your Value to Get the Job You Want!

When you are first writing or updating your resume, you must list all of your daily responsibilities, accomplishments, and promotions. Your list allows you to see your contributions in your position holistically so that you can prioritize specific accolades and responsibilities over others. At this point, you can begin to think about how to add quantitative data to your resume to build credibility and stand out amongst other candidates. Ultimately, you should frame your thinking around impact: what have you done and why it matters?

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6 Ways to Improve Your Career with the Feedback Cycle
performance, career development Diana Williams performance, career development Diana Williams

6 Ways to Improve Your Career with the Feedback Cycle

An ancient adage speaks to the idea of "iron sharpening iron," ultimately meaning that we can make one another better by providing encouragement, coaching, and feedback. When embodying this understanding, we can steadily improve and be the best versions of ourselves. Therefore, it is essential that everyone actively creates and participates in feedback cycles. Read below to learn ways that you can receive and provide feedback to improve performance and success.

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