Blog for Professionals

Create Your 30-Day Plan to Succeed in Your New Position
career development, new job Diana Williams career development, new job Diana Williams

Create Your 30-Day Plan to Succeed in Your New Position

Everyone is enthusiastic when beginning a new position. Whether it is higher pay, better benefits, or more responsibilities, a new job means a new beginning. As you start this journey, I encourage you to create a 30-Day Plan to optimize your success and truly hit the ground running.

When we think about 30-day plans, our minds think of working out or meal plans. However, creating a 30-Day Plan to implement at the onset of a new position can indeed lay the foundation for career advancement and success. Aside from feeling confident to start, creating a 30-Day plan at the start of a new project or job shows that you are:

1) Intentional and Results Driven, and

2) Able to Develop and Execute a Plan for Success

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