Must-Have | Nice-to-Have List

Must-Have | Nice-to-Have lists help you make informed choices regarding your career based on what is important to you! Considering the following overarching themes ensures that you have all of the information that you need to choose the position that is best for you. Read below to learn more about each of these topics and how they can inform your Must-Have | Nice-to-Have list!

Must-Have: Needs that, if not met, would affect your willingness to accept a position. 

Nice-to-Have: Wants that will not significantly affect your likelihood of accepting a position. 

Professional Values

The average person will not be able to identify what they value in the workplace. However, current events have proven that it is essential when considering the types of companies and organizations that you are aligning yourself with. Typically, these values develop over time and become known as the line that you would never cross. You must think critically about the practices and strategies that you have observed, been a bystander for, or active participant in the past. Further, think about how work culture plays into that. Did the company have an "open-door" policy where you were encouraged to collaborate, share ideas, and offer feedback, or were you often discouraged from pushing the envelope? How important is it for you to disrupt a system? Or would you prefer to assume a position that it is acceptable to leave work at work until the next day? Regardless of your professional values, you must decide what is worth standing for and standing against.

Professional Goals

Nothing about your career trajectory should be left up to chance; instead, you should identify how this position puts you closer to accomplishing your goals. In the past, I have accepted jobs simply because I needed a check to pay my bills. But more often, I have taken positions to serve as a stepping stone towards achieving my eventual career goal. You must think about how a job fits into your larger plan. Perhaps it requires minimal effort and brainpower, allowing you time to study or work on your side business.  Or maybe the position allows you the flexibility to pick-up and drop-off your children, or make supplemental income to buy your dream house. Bottom line: regardless of the job, determine how this opportunity fits into the grand scheme of pursuing your personal and professional goals.

Personal Work Style

Several assessments identify your work style and personality, and although often exhaustive, in my experience, are relatively accurate. It has helped me to determine what I need to be successful in the workplace. Over the years, I have learned that I enjoy being the planner, but not necessarily the one to implement. In realizing this, I was able to lead a more successful job search and maintain continuity within my field since I only applied to roles that related to my interests. I gained the understanding that just because I was capable and good at doing specific tasks, did not mean that I had to do them. The goal is to find a position where you will be happy, so be firm in what you are unwilling to compromise on in terms of roles.

Necessities to Live

Salary is always top of mind when embarking on the job search. While you should know the number that you need to survive, it is not the only necessity that you should consider. Be sure to explore benefits beyond salary and health insurance that would set you up for success. Does the employer match retirement contributions? Will they fund your advanced degree or offer tuition reimbursement? We have to start thinking of benefits as being perks in addition to our salary that is meant to support our lifestyle in the present and the future.

After you have completed your list, you want to think holistically about how your Must-Have | Nice-to-Have list compares to the job opportunity.  

  • Which Must-Haves were not met? Is this a deal-breaker? Can it be negotiated?

  • Which of your Nice-to-Haves were not met? Are any more important than you anticipated?

  • Choose your top 5 Must-Have | Nice-to-Half criterion, does this job offer meet it?

If you would like an example of a completed Must-Have | Nice-to-Have list with guided questions to inform your own, please sign up for our newsletter here: Newsletter Sign-Up. Upon signing up, you will receive the password to access your Must-Have | Nice-to-Have worksheet.

Diana Williams, Resume Tailor


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