5 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile as a Professional

LinkedIn is a professional social media platform that allows you to connect with others in your field, showcase your work history and accomplishments without limitations, and find jobs. "Finding jobs" is actually an understatement, because if you showcase your skillset and experience well-enough, jobs will come to you! More than 60% of recruiters utilize LinkedIn to identify and recruit new talent. Read below for 5 easy ways to elevate and optimize your LinkedIn profile, whether you are in your job search or content in your current position.  

01) Photo

You know the process that you undergo to ensure that the picture that you upload to Instagram is the right one?! Apply that same principle to LinkedIn. The photo that you choose matters and serves as the first impression that hiring managers and recruiters will receive. If you cannot use a professional headshot photo, find a picture from an occasion that required you to dress up. (Think church, bat mitzvahs, banquets, etc.) The photo should be close enough to see only your face and chest, consider school picture poses.

02)  Headline

When scrolling on LinkedIn, only a person's name and headline will show if you are not already connected. Therefore, you must use your headline characters wisely so that recruiters and hiring managers know who you are, and the positions you are seeking. For example, mine might read "Diana Williams | Affordable Resume Writer | Interview Preparation." You want to ensure that your headline showcases your specialty, is specific, and incorporates some keywords! Even adding that you are seeking a full-time opportunity can help recruiters easily identify that you are actively searching for a new position. Whatever you do, make the most of your 120 allotted characters to attract the opportunities that you want.

03) Summary

Consider your LinkedIn summary to be your electronic elevator pitch. With that in mind, you should make sure that it targets the audience that you want to attract. Speak creatively about who you are and what you wish to achieve next in your career. Bonus points if you can convey your personality in written form! Similar to when reviewing resumes, recruiters often spend little time reviewing LinkedIn profiles, so you want to make every second count. Hook them within the first three lines (310 characters) of your summary to entice them to want to learn more about your experience and skillset. 

04) Connections

This is not Facebook and you should not connect with everyone that you come into contact with, however you should make an effort to connect with other professionals in your field. You could start with past and current co-workers and then level-up to connecting with industry peers. Search job titles that you are interested in to find people who are currently working in that position or have in the past. Not only will that put you into their networking circle, but it might also serve as an opportunity for you to conduct an informational interview to learn more about the role and daily responsibilities. Once you have expanded your network, begin to follow significant companies and influencers in your industry. Connecting to these companies and organizations will give you access to job postings and current information about their initiatives.

05) Endorsements

LinkedIn endorsements are similar to receiving an informal letter of recommendation. It allows your network to speak on their experience of working with you, which helps hiring managers and recruiters to gather "intel" about your work style and relationships before connecting with you. Since endorsements are generally longer and require thought, I would suggest initiating an endorsement for some of your connections, and they will return the favor. 

LinkedIn is a useful tool to utilize, whether you are in a job search or not. It allows you to connect with others in your field and showcase your career trajectory and accomplishments. This week I challenge you to complete one of the 5 mentioned ways to optimizing your LinkedIn Profile so that you can attract the opportunities that you want!

Diana Williams, Resume Tailor


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