Blog for Professionals

3 Ways to Master Remote Learning So That You Can Get Work Done at Home

3 Ways to Master Remote Learning So That You Can Get Work Done at Home

We are months after the unforeseen nationwide quarantine and are still experiencing the effects of COVID-19. Depending on where you are in the country, schools may have or not have reopened their physical doors to our K-12 students. Despite the format, school is officially back in session, and unlike in March, so is work for many of us. Whether you, a partner, grandparent, aunt, or cousin is who supports your student during remote learning, the following tips will help you establish systems and routines that will be beneficial for everyone. 

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What is ATS and How Does it Concern My Resume?
Resume Diana Williams Resume Diana Williams

What is ATS and How Does it Concern My Resume?

ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System and it allows companies to easily sort incoming resumes. These systems keep the resumes that exhibit potential, and “discard” the resumes that do not match the job description. Ultimately, the most important question becomes: How can I beat ATS? Read below to learn 4 ways to ensure that your resume makes it through ATS and into the hands of a hiring manager.

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